Day 14- Watching, Waiting, Expecting

Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope for and expect the Lord!

-Psalm 31:24

Watching, waiting, expecting. It seemed to flood my life over the last few years. God had called me into full-time ministry, yet, in my own self, I found holes that I had spent, what seemed to be a lifetime, trying to fill. Still, I continued to do my own searching; my own seeking; and, my own doing. Then, I finally let go. My watching finally turned to watching, my waiting really turned to waiting, and my life truly turned to full expectancy. I had literally done everything I could on my own to find the “right” spouse for me. It wasn’t until I completely, 100% gave up doing things on my own that God was able to do things on His own. In less than a year God had led the right girl to me and allowed me to marry her the same year.

Scripture tells us to expect the Lord. Our faith in Him requires that we expect to receive all that He has promised us. We must expect health; we must expect deliverance; we must expect victory; and we must expect every word of God to be accomplished. Expectation is our anticipation and our desire to receive God’s promises for our life.


Today’s Thought

Has God’s promises been given to you but, as of this moment, nothing has happened? Don’t give up and don’t turn back. God is faithful and you must continue to wait; to hope; and, to expect His promises to be fulfilled. Stop trying to do God’s work; let go, trust; wait in expectation; and, truly see His blessings and promises pour into your life.

Today’s Prayer

Lord, I want to thank you for your perfect plan. I thank you for knowing me and knowing what I need even before I ask. Today God, teach me to stop doing things on my own at my own speed but to wait expecting from you.

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