Day 16- Waiting on God

When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked.

-Isaiah 64:3

When praying for a need, waiting for the answer is part of the answer. We can’t think, that because we have to wait for an answer, that God didn’t hear us or that the answer is no. Although, there may be times that the answer is NO. Waiting can be a way of getting your answer, by either God changing your mind about a situation or God changing the situation.

Just think: What if we never had to wait for an answer from God? We would become spoiled, unappreciative, and may even feel we deserve it. It’s like when your children ask for something. If you always tell them yes, then they eventually get to where they don’t have to ask, because they know you’ll say “yes” and “yes” is not always in the their best interest.


Today’s Thought

We have to be expecting during the waiting time and know that ”My God will hear me.” and did hear me.

Today’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray that in the waiting time for our answers not only will we be expecting but that we will know that you are working it out, that you have heard us and that you haven’t forgotten us. If our heart needs to change, we will recognize it and be willing to do your will.

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