Day 18- Rejoice. Let me say that again; REJOICE!

Rejoice in the Lord Always. And again I will say, REJOICE!

-Phillipians 4:4

If you’ve been a regular church attender for any significant amount of time, you have undoubtedly heard the pastor make a point which he felt was really good; really powerful; and apparently no one else caught. So in his slight frustration he’ll say, “Let me say that again” in hopes that you’ll catch the powerful message behind what he just said.

This is how I imagine Paul talking to the Phillipians in Phillipians 4:4. Undoubtedly they were a worried people (vs. 6) – maybe worried about their finances, their relationships, their walk with God, or any number of things which we all worry about. But Paul tells them, with great passion, to REJOICE in the Lord; pray with thanksgiving; only think about pure and positive things; and, if they do this, the “God of peace that surpasses understanding” will be with them and will guard their hearts and minds. Too many times we let worry and doubt overtake us and we forget that the God of the universe is looking out for us and wants us to be joyful in Him. When we decide to be thankful and change our perspective, despite our circumstances, we stop doubting and worrying and start rejoicing because we know God will come through for us and give us exactly what we need.


Today’s Thought

So may you rejoice…let me say that again, REJOICE in knowing that the God of unexplainable peace is on your side and He will always come through for you.

Today’s Prayer

Lord, thank you for always being with us and for giving us that unexplainable peace in the middle of our storms. Help us to never worry, but ALWAYS rejoice

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