Day 20- Expecting Results

He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

-Luke 2:5

When I was pregnant with our first child they were just beginning to be able to tell you the baby’s gender with a sonogram. We never wanted to know if the baby was a boy or girl, we wanted to be surprised. The first few months were exciting, once you got past the nausea, because you told all your family and friends, “we’re going to have a baby!”  The closer the end of the third trimester got the more excited we became! Just like Mary and Joseph we were expecting a baby to be the result of those months of nausea, swollen feet and feeling like a baby elephant.

When Josh was born we just assumed he would be another girl. The Doctor announced, “It’s a boy”! I was so excited that my voice went about two octaves higher than normal as I screamed, “it’s a boy, it’s a boy, I can’t believe it’s a boy!” What a blessing to receive the result you have been expecting!


Today’s Thought

Never stop expecting your result. The result you receive may be greater that your expectation.

Today’s Prayer

Father today I put my complete trust in you. The requests I have made in the past are not forgotten. My faith is strong and I am believing and expecting results.

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