Day 5- My Expectation

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.

- 1 Corinthians 1:25

Growing up and playing sports, I developed this “must win” mindset. No matter what I played, if we didn’t win I would develop the foulest attitude toward everything in life. As I look back at those times, I realized that my losses should have never been considered losses, nor my “missteps” in life be considered failures. It was all about what lessons could be learned from each loss or “misstep” that took place in my life. My own prideful expectation of how I thought things should go, at many times, kept me from missing God’s great handiwork in the game of life.


What “loss” is God trying to tell you is a “win?” Maybe you competed this weekend and got beat. Maybe you “lost” in some other area of life and are wondering: “where is God?” Well, the truth is that He’s right there, blessing your socks off. Who are we, to declare what is good and bad in our lives? Are we God? We have no idea what He wants to do with the results of our efforts. All we can do is give it our best shot and then thank Him for being faithful through it all. We have to approach life without expectations of what good things we think we deserve. Instead, trust the only One who sees the whole picture and has promised good things to those who love Him.


Today’s Thought

What “defeat” are you wrestling with right now? What were your expectations going into this trial? Take away those expectations and ask God what He wants from this time. Ask Him to bring about His victory.

Today’s Prayer

God, thank you for your patience with me. I pray that the expectations I have for myself, become yours and not my own.

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